Listening to music and playing instruments are among the most enjoyable human experiences. Many people use playing an instrument as a tool for mental relaxation. You may have seen performances by musical groups, where several musicians play together. The number of instruments and musicians in...

Percussion instruments, also known as membraphones, are played by striking, shaking, or scraping with hands, sticks, or other implements. Iranian music features two categories of these instruments, national and local, each with a thousand-year history. These instruments produce high-pitched sounds due to their structure and method...

A Celebration of Joy and Hope The New Year is a celebration that takes place every year on the last night of the year, December 31st, and signifies the beginning of the new Gregorian year (January 1st). This celebration holds a special place in most...

Evidence suggests that learning to play music enhances musical processing skills and benefits other cognitive abilities. Furthermore, studies of children and adults indicate that the brains of musicians and non musicians are different....

Music is widely used to enhance well-being, reduce stress, and distract patients from unpleasant symptoms. Although there are wide variations in individual preferences, music appears to exert direct physiologic effects through the autonomic nervous system and it also has indirect effects by modifying caregiver behavior....

A lot of research has been done on the effects of music and sounds on performance in many areas of study. However, there have been mixed results about what kind of effects music can have. Musical pleasure was able to influence task performance, and the...

The value of music in people’s everyday lives depends on the uses they make of it and the degree to which they engage with it, which are in turn dependent on the contexts in which they hear it. This is also effected by their personal...